Open-source library to package Dash for AWS deployment

Hi Everyone,

We ( just published a library (open-dash) that packages a Dash application into artifacts for deployment on AWS CloudFront, S3, and Lambda. The library creates the following artifacts:

  1. Static files extracted from the dash application to take the load off the Dash server.
  2. Lambda handler, Dockerfile, along with your application code. Dash dependencies can be too big to be deployed directly on lambda which is why the Dockerfile is necessary.
  3. Lambda warmer function you can use to trigger the server lambda to avoid cold starts.


  • Deploying to AWS can be practically free for low-to-medium traffic sites, especially when leveraging S3 for static file hosting.
  • Serving static files from S3 (behind CloudFront) improves load speed and significantly reduces traffic to the server lambda.
  • Unlike with a VPS, you generally don’t have to worry about traffic spikes because (1) most of the traffic is handled by the CDN and (2) lambda can scale up to handle high traffic spikes.

I’d love to hear your feedback on the package. Feel free to DM if you have any questions.



PyPi: open-dash · PyPI

Source Code: GitHub - zonke-inc/open-dash