Hi All,
I deployed my Dash application on AWS EC2. However, it is expensive. I searched for the option to deploy using Lambda service, which is far cheaper for an intermittent workload. I found the following repo aws-blog.de-projects/sam-dash at master · MauriceBrg/aws-blog.de-projects · GitHub, which is really helpful. The problem when I ran locally is that the website is not rendered due to the errors in the below on the web browser console:
polyfill@7.v2_18_2m1…63299.12.1.min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’ (at polyfill@7.v2_18_2m1…299.12.1.min.js:1:1) react@16.v2_18_2m173…63299.14.0.min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’ (at react@16.v2_18_2m173…299.14.0.min.js:1:1) react-dom@16.v2_18_2…63299.14.0.min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError:
However, it is working on the cloud. I assume I may be missing something about static file serving. I’d appreciate any ideas and suggestions about how to solve the issue.
Thanks in advance,