New Dash-Leaflet Plugins & Improvements

I’ve been working on experimenting with one of my favorite packages for dash - dash-leaflet

I cloned the repo and started working through understanding the project layout and how to make some improvements and wanted to share some of the progress I’ve made so far and see if I could get some feedback and possible testing from the community.

  1. Making changes the the edit control

    basically made a change to the dash-leaflet edit control tool that allows it to support the ability to change the color of drawings you make with that the edit control Dash

  2. Ant Path

    a leaflet plugin that allows you to create animated lines, polygons, circles and curves on the map.

  3. ImageMarker

    This is a custom image marker component I made for dash-leaflet that allows the user to click on a ImageMarker and open up a DashImageGallery

  4. SideBySide

    notable mention of another improvement suggested for dash-leaflet is add side by side control support to dash leaflet by hamidreza-pyn · Pull Request #261 · emilhe/dash-leaflet · GitHub by @Hamidreza
    which allows you to create a SideBySide map with a slider to hide or show more or less of a specific TileLayer.

:point_right: Links & Resources:

Download a .tar.gz file of this development leaflet package here:

My Contributions -
Dash Pip Components:
Documentation Boilerplate: GitHub - pip-install-python/Dash-Documentation-Boilerplate: This project is designed to help developers quickly create well-organized documentation for their Dash components, data science workflows, and entire Dash applications.
Dash Leaflet Plugin Development: GitHub - pip-install-python/dash-leaflet: exploring adding new plugins to dash-leaflet

Outside Resources -
Dash Leaflet: GitHub - emilhe/dash-leaflet
Dash Leaflet Docs:
Leaflet Plugin List: Plugins - Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps


Late night update… Extended support for Edit Control so now markers can support custom Emoji’s so now you can change a marker directly in partnership with the dash-emoji-mart

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Thanks @PipInstallPython .
I’m not surprised the Dynamic Grid is the most popular components you created. I get so many questions about allowing users to move components around.

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