I’m looking for a particular style of chart - presuming I’m using the right style. I don’t even know if this is the best way to show this type of data - I’m just getting my head around it now.
I have a list of ~40 file shares, each of which has a different capacity (total available in GB) and usage (total used in GB).
The usage will always be less than the capacity.
Is there a way to have a style of stacked bar chart that will show the share on X, and on Y we have the usage in front of the capacity?
I’m looking for something that will roughly look like this very quick mock up I did:
df = pd.DataFrame([{'share': '/nfs/share1', 'used': '40', 'capacity':'100'},
{'share': '/nfs/share2', 'used': '130', 'capacity':'140'}
{'share': '/nfs/share3', 'used': '10', 'capacity':'50'}])