Is it possible to have a dropdown seletion option in a dash_table that is rendered through markdown? E.g. the field I want users to choose has a link (and other html stuff like line breaks, formattng etc) in it hence rendered through markdown.
Currently you can only set the presentation to ‘markdown’ or ‘dropdown’ - was wondering if anybody has a solution to achieve both at the same time?
Actually I don’t have a answer for your question but I have the feeling that for almost all applications where you might use DataTable, you should take a look at AG-grid
Thanks AIMPED - trying it with AG Grid but the select dropdown in ag grid does not render its values as markdown/html either.
I am using the following options:
In columnDefs, I am setting the column as markdown {"cellRenderer": "markdown"}
For cell editor, I am using {"cellEditor": "agSelectCellEditor", "cellEditorParams": { "values": options[ "Labels" ].values.tolist(), } where options[ "Labels" ].values.tolist() provides a list of html formatted options. These same options DO render as markdown/html in the cell itself but NOT in the select dropdown
I have also tried adding {"cellRenderer": "markdown"} to "cellEditorParams" but it does not seem to work
I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but you might need to make a custom component. Here’s the section in the docs that shows how to add them to a cell:
Then if you want to make is look more like a panel, you could try the full width row:
However, an easier solution would be to display this info in a model when you click on a cell: