Is agDateCellEditor available?

Hi Dash Community:

Does Dash support the cell editor for date?

I tried below:
cellEditor: ‘agDateCellEditor’,
cellEditorParams: {
min: ‘2000-01-01’,
min: ‘2019-12-31’,
Don’t seem to work.
Understand that there is an example here Cell Editors | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly

However, I want to keep the UI feature a bit light rather than using calendar. Thanks

Hello @entropy_l,

The dash component is really just a wrapper around the AG grid, this allows most things to work through.

Anything that is default should be able to work in the Dash side. At that point, it’s figuring out how to make it work.

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Thank you @jinnyzor for confirming this.


The built-in cell editors for number, date and a boolean cell data types is new in AG Grid 30.

The current dash-ag-grid is v2.3.0 which uses AG Grid 29.3.5. You can find the docs for the upstream AG Grid 29.3.5 by using a URL like this:

Hopefully the next version of the dash-ag-grid will be released soon. In the meantime you can use a custom date picker as shown in the dash docs here:

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