AG Grid cellEditor not working as expected?

I’m trying to build an AG Grid table where some of the columns are editable (got that).
I want the cell editor for each column to be appropriate to the data type, so I’m trying to use agNumberCellEditor and agDateStringCellEditor as described here:

I’m iterating over the columns and setting the properties as follows:

        entry['cellEditor'] = 'agNumberCellEditor'
        entry['cellEditorParams'] = {
            "min": 0,
            "max": 10000,
            "precision": 2

        entry['cellEditor'] = 'agDateStringCellEditor'
        entry['cellEditorParams'] = {
            "min": "2020-01-01",
            "max": "2075-01-01"

But when I test the finished product, I can enter any text in any of the cells.

I’ve filtered down as many of the other moving parts as possible (see blow).

Wondering if anyone can see what I’m missing.


defaultColDef = {
    "editable": True,
    "flex": 1

    dashGridOptions = {
    "undoRedoCellEditing": True, 
    "rowSelection": "single", 
    "columnTypes": columnTypes,
    "tooltipShowDelay": 400,
    "animateRows": True

Update: I tried this on a more recent version of Dash AGGrid and it works as expected.

The prod version where it does not work for me is 2.4.0.

Can anyone tell me where this behavior was introduced?