Hi, I was looking at this documentation:
In the following example, they show how to make a specific column cell editable if it matches the condition:
“editable”: {“function”: “params.data.year == 2012”},
I’m trying to do something similar but I struggled. What I am trying to do is to make the age column editable only if the value column Athlete contains the word ‘e’. Any Ideas on how to achieve this?
Hello @seventy77,
I think this might work:
{"field": "age", "editable": {"function": "params.data ? params.data.athlete.contains('e') : null"}}
If not contains
try includes
1 Like
Hi @jinnyzor,
Unfortunately this is not working for me :(,
I do this analogy using the example above. But my code looks like this:
'field': 'Morning',
'cellStyle': {
# Set of rules
"styleConditions": [
"condition": "params.value.includes('Hot')",
"style": {"backgroundColor": "pink", "borderRadius": "15px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderColor": "black","paddingRight": "5px","boxShadow": "3px 3px 2px gray"},
"condition": "params.value.includes('Cold')",
"style": {"backgroundColor": "skyblue", "borderRadius": "15px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderColor": "black","paddingRight": "5px","boxShadow": "3px 3px 2px gray"},
# Default style if no rules apply
"defaultStyle": {"backgroundColor": "white"},
"editable": {"function": "params.data ? params.data.Morning.includes('f') : null"}
Is the same problem basically, and what is it instead of using ‘f’ I want to be able to evaluate this against a Python variable called keyword. This would be my second problem
This works for me:
import dash_ag_grid as dag
from dash import Dash, html, dcc
import pandas as pd
app = Dash(__name__)
df = pd.read_csv(
app.layout = html.Div(
dcc.Markdown("This grid has editing enabled on all columns"),
columnDefs=[{"field": i, 'editable': {"function": "params.data ? params.data.athlete.includes('e') : null"}
if i == 'age' else True} for i in df.columns],
defaultColDef={"editable": True},
style={"margin": 20},
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(debug=True, port=8000)
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Great now it works for me :), final question how can I restrict the edit option only to the age column? And can I also store the ‘e’ word on a Python variable and then evaluate it?
What do you mean exactly?
Right now, the only one that is conditional is age
, all the others are True
, if you want all others to be off then change the True
to False
1 Like
Thanks, I understood! just changed into False.
the other question is, that I want to be able to store the keyword into a variable because this might change depending on each user so how can I save this keyword into a variable and then evaluate it?
{“function”: “params.data ? params.data.athlete.includes(keyword) : null”}
I also want to make them editable if keyword is presented or if the cell have null values.
keyword |cell_null
I would actually use a dcc.Store so you dont have to keep updating it.
"function": "params.data ? params.data.athlete.includes(localStorage.getItem('variable')) : null"
Then if your layout pass a dcc.Store(id='variable', storage_type='local', data='')
, then have a clientside_callback that updates that value:
"""function (n, id) {
if (n) {
localStorage.setItem('variable', n)
return n
return window.dash_clientside.no_update
Output('variable','data'), Input('trig', 'prop'), Input('grid', 'id')
^ the trigger should be something like an input box or something that has a value to make it easier to update