Dash AG Grid - How to use Rich Select Cell Editor with MultiSelect

Hi all,

Is the multiSelect option of the Rich Select Cell Editor compatible with Dash Ag Grid? I’ve searched and have not seen any demos or example of this, and have tried implementing it, and have been running into a brick wall. Perhaps this is already a known thing and will be supported in future versions? Or maybe I’m just missing a piece or two to get it to work.

Here is an example on the AG Grid site - JavaScript Grid: Rich Select Cell Editor | AG Grid

Ok I see this is a new feature in Ag Grid 32.0 What's New in AG Grid 32

Does anyone know what to expect as far as when this will be available in Dash?

Hello @aintitpythonic55,

We should be bumping versions within the next few months.


Hi @jinnyzor - is the new aggrid up yet? I’m working on a multi-select interface and this looks helpful.

Hello @jwlerch,

No, version 32 hasnt been released. However, you can use something like DMC multiselect to fit this need for the time-being.