Increase size of dcc.Store memory

I have a huge data that I am storing in a dcc.Store because it needs to be shared with other layouts (multi-page web app). I took the size of the serialized JSON for the dataframe to be stored and it’s about 3.75 MB. The documentation says there’s a limitation if using memory.

Is there a way to increase this?

Also, I know that the store component is not being updated with the serialized JSON because the component does not have a modified_timestamp when I’m checking the debugger. MORE WEIRD is that when I actually deploy the Dash app to a Heroku server, the store component stores the 3.75MB and thus can be used by other components such as graphs. However, the store does not get updated when on local. I’ve been at it for hours and can’t seem to figure it out.


There is a limit to the amount of data your can keep in a Store component due to browser limitations. If you are afraid that you might hit it (or if performance becomes an issue), you might want to consider server side caching instead. Either directly (e.g. using files or an in-memory cache) or using a ServersideOutput,

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Noted on this! Thank you! I think am left with no choice indeed but to explore caching or memoization with persistence for it to be safe.

If is possible, It will be great that:

  • once that memory limit is reached a warning is given
  • This is commented in the documentation …

It took me a week to find out this…