I can't get the rangeslider_range to work

Consider this code:

sums = df.groupby('Date', as_index=False)[['Payment', 'Income']].sum()
med = df.groupby('Date', as_index=False)['Margin'].median()
sums.insert(3, 'Margin', med['Margin'])

scafig = ms(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]])
scafig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=sums['Date'], y=sums[subj], fill='tozeroy', name=subj, fillcolor='yellow'), secondary_y=False)
scafig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=sums['Date'], y=sums['Margin'], line={'color': 'grey', 'width': 1, 'dash': 'dot'}, name='Platform share', visible='legendonly'), secondary_y=True)
scafig.update_yaxes(title_text='Daily revenue', secondary_y=False, range=[0, 200000])
scafig.update_yaxes(title=None, secondary_y=True, range=[0, 0.30])
scafig.update_layout(xaxis={'rangeslider': {'visible': True, 'range': ['2021-01-01', '2020-02-15']}, 'rangebreaks': [{'pattern': 'day of week', 'bounds': ['sat', 'mon']}]})

This effectively creates a dataframe with 2 separate calculations and then a figure with 2 traces (one of them hidden by default). Then it enables the rangeslider that is supposed to show a limited range by default.

The problem is that the documentation is not particularly clear on how the range attribute works. I tried various ways, but nothing seems to work - the range goes to the default value (which is β€˜everything’) no matter what. Either I’m doing something wrong, or I misunderstand the purpose of the range attribute, or there is something I’m not aware of.

Is there a way to make the rangeslider default to a particular time period instead of showing the whole timeline?

Alternatively, it there a way to use rangeselector for the same purpose? I.e. make a particular button created by that component the go-to one?

Hi @shoomow

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