I’ve created each individual sunburst chart (sb1, sb2, sb3) with “color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Pastel” but when I run the code below at the end to turn them into a subplot, it just returns Plotly’s default color.
Is there somewhere else in the code I need to add “color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Pastel” in order for it to work? Also, how would I give each chart it’s own color_discrete_sequence? Thanks!
To get help you must give more information on your code. I give an example of sunburst subplots where each one has been defined initially via px.sunburst:
This is great! Thank you! I was defining each px.sunburst before “fig = make_subplots” but looks like your way works! I also figured out that passing: