How to plot polar charts in Dash ? Are there any examples available ?
Thank you.
Whatever you can do with plotly.js, you can do it with Dash. So, pick your poison:
Note that the plotly.js polar charts a little bit under-developed. See https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/milestone/2.
We’re looking for a company to help sponsor this work. If polar charts are instrumental to your company’s app development, please reach out: https://plotly.typeform.com/to/mH1Cpb
Update! A company has sponsored the development of a polar chart rewrite . Expect a new and enhanced set of polar charts in early 2018
. We are tracking this feature in this branch: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/tree/polar (no PR yet).
If your company or organization needs enterprise-level support or custom features developed, please reach out to our advanced development team: https://plot.ly/products/consulting-and-oem/
This is hugely exciting!
@chriddyp Has the URL moved to a new branch? 404 on https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/tree/polar
It was merged earlier this week See https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/pull/2200 and Regl-based scattergl and scatterpolargl traces by etpinard · Pull Request #2258 · plotly/plotly.js · GitHub. The plotly.js team printed a release last night (Releases · plotly/plotly.js · GitHub) which I’ll move into the dash core components library sometime today. I’ll keep this thread posted with progress.
PR to upgrade dash-core-components
: https://github.com/plotly/dash-core-components/pull/149. The new polar
and scattergl
chart types will be available in version 0.18.0
, upgrade with:
pip install dash-core-components==0.18.0
Amazing! Can’t wait. Will the new Polar be on plot.ly at some point too?
Yes it will be. We have to go through quite a bit more testing and QA before that happens.
I often find pointers to plotly when I’m searching for ways to use dash, and these are not too helpful. As chriddyp mentions above (2 years ago), dash-core-components is now very much up to date with polar plots and I found a great example in https://github.com/plotly/dash-sample-apps/. The examples here are extremely helpful - IMO more so than documentation.
Specifically look at apps/dash-wind-streaming for live wind plots with wind direction and speed in a polar plot.
Thanks for the tip.
But which one is a radar plot? I could find an example there.
@ruslaniv Are you looking for the documentation on the radar plot? https://plotly.com/python/radar-chart/
For some reason it’s totally not working for me:
Looks like the problem is now fixed in that linked thread