I’ve been trying to follow up this tutorial here:
It does not seem very difficult, but I’m getting completely different results.
I have this:
r = [28, 81, 4, 3]
theta = [19498, 9144, 6245, 799]
r is number of visits
theta is ID’s
So I build my chart like this in a callback function:
data = [go.Scatterpolar(r=r, theta=theta, fill='toself')]
layout = go.Layout(polar=dict(radialaxis=dict(visible=True),), showlegend=True)
return {'data': data,'layout': layout}
and I get nothing similar to the chart I see at the section “Basic Radar Chart with go.Scatterpolar”
I get this:
What do I need to do to achieve the chart that is shown in the tutorial, where I’d have ID’s instead of degrees and the markers correctly reflecting the number of visits?