How to link plotly dash to an inhouse platform?

Hello Adam,

I have a question, but unrelated to building dashboards using Plotly-Dash.

Although I am an experienced dash user, I work in a certain company, where they have their own platform for data visualization and dashboard creation. It is a custom in-house platform where you write a SQL query, then upon execution, some widget pops up with the option of creating a chart. Upon clicking it you can specify the chart you want and so on. However, in my view, free plotly-dash is way better but as with most companies I doubt whether they will want to change.

So my question is, is there a way in which one can link plotly dash to an inhouse platform (think a company’s own version of Tableau which uses SQL to specify fields and create charts from them) from which they can use plotly dash as the base to create their data visualizations? I think the company wants to retain their own custom data viz platform because not everyone knows to code.


Hi @sammigachuhi
I’m not sure I know of a way to link plotly dash to an in-house platform, but I’ve DM’d you to get more information about your use case.

I’ve heard of Django-Dash as a possibility. But that was built a few years ago, and I’m not sure it’s well maintained.

As far as I know, there is no other way to connect Dash to an in-house platform. If I find anything, I’ll let you know.

If any other community member knows, I’m sure they’ll share as well.

Hello @sammigachuhi,

I am sure there is a way to accomplish this.

However, the details are still really vague as to what you are trying to accomplish.

You can host the app into iframes in the dash app if the service is a web app. If not, you can probably create some type of hook to be able to at least open windows in the other app.

As far as the two platforms can communicate, either through apis or transactions on the SQL server, I believe that this is possible. If their app also prints images to files, then you could show the files in the dash app as long as they have access to the same network drive.

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| jinnyzor
March 22 |

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Hello @sammigachuhi,

I am sure there is a way to accomplish this.

However, the details are still really vague as to what you are trying to accomplish.

You can host the app into iframes in the dash app if the service is a web app. If not, you can probably create some type of hook to be able to at least open windows in the other app.

As far as the two platforms can communicate, either through apis or transactions on the SQL server, I believe that this is possible. If their app also prints images to files, then you could show the files in the dash app as long as they have access to the same network drive.

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I think dash enterprise can help, because the SQL queries are just for inquiring the data, but the data visualization works much like Power BI, a drag and drop columns kind of thing, in addition to aggregating by and other maths functions.

This is where dash defeats it hands down-you cannot create more than one graph per page, like a dashboard. It is either a treemap only and not a combination of treemap, bar graph/geomap on a single page. Plus you can’t change to dark theme even to other themes for individual plots.

I am sure dash enterprise can do what we want, but not sure how. That is, create a BI visualization tool since not all members know coding and they may want to create visualizations from our data. If maybe I succeed in my proposal to my company, I will look for a dash representative since dash can replace the entire thing.

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Yes, DE can replace the entire thing.

As far as a no code BI tool, if the dataSources won’t change inside of the plotly chart. You can check out dash-chart-editor.

They can select a chart, columns as well as the agg and filter for the chart. Also has the ability for multiple plots and subplots is loosely supported.

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