What i want is that, instead of continuous color mapping via “color_continuous_scale” of hexbins (like on the photo), i want to create discrete specific colors for specific power ranges. For instance from -140 to -100 red color, from -100 to -80 blue and from -80 to -40 green. I was trying “color_discrete_map” parameter but getting error while defining thresholds.
There are more answers to this question I gave here, mainly for heatmaps. I collected them and created this example for
hexbin mapbox (but I wasn’t inspired on choosing nice colors ):
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import plotly.express as px
import numpy as np
def discrete_colorscale(bvals, colors):
bvals - list of values bounding intervals/ranges of interest
colors - list of rgb or hex color codes for values in [bvals[k], bvals[k+1]],0<=k < len(bvals)-1
returns a nonuniform discrete colorscale
if len(bvals) != len(colors)+1:
raise ValueError('len(boundary values) should be equal to len(colors)+1')
bvals = sorted(bvals)
nvals = [(v-bvals[0])/(bvals[-1]-bvals[0]) for v in bvals] #normalized values
dcolorscale = [] #discrete colorscale
for k in range(len(colors)):
dcolorscale.extend([[nvals[k], colors[k]], [nvals[k+1], colors[k]]])
return dcolorscale
bvals= [1, 2, 5, 8, 10]
colors=["#19d3f3", "#e763fa", "#cbeb00", '#0010ff']
discrete_nonuniform= discrete_colorscale(bvals, colors)
#the tickvals and ticktext for colorbar
bvals = np.array(bvals)
tickvals = [np.mean(bvals[k:k+2]) for k in range(len(bvals)-1)] #position with respect to bvals where ticktext is displayed
ticktext = [f'{bvals[k]}-{bvals[k+1]}' for k in range(0, len(bvals)-1)]
df = px.data.carshare()
fig = ff.create_hexbin_mapbox(
data_frame=df, lat="centroid_lat", lon="centroid_lon", color_continuous_scale=discrete_nonuniform,
nx_hexagon=18, opacity=0.8, labels={"color": "n_cars"},
min_count=1, original_data_marker=dict(marker_size=0, marker_line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(coloraxis =dict(colorbar_thickness=25, colorbar_ticktext=ticktext, colorbar_tickvals=tickvals))