How to call the customdata of plotly express in another function?

First of all, I am new to plotly and I am enjoying it a lot. but there is one thing that is concerning me.
I have created a barchart using plotly express. I have added the custom_data at the time of creation(basically its my df.columns. so it was custom_data = df.columns).

no I have a function custom_tooltip()
this takes the dataframe and will give the hovertemplate to display the custom tooltip.
the function goes like this

def custom_tooltip(fig, df, to_display)
col = list(df.columns)
hover_template_string = str()
for i, display_name in to_display.items():
        hover_template_string += display_name + ": %{customdata[col.index(i)]} <br>"

this code is not working since it is not refering the the col variable in the function. I need to take the position of the customdata dynamically. hence I am doing this.

If I am hardcoding the data, it is working fine. like

hover_template_string = display_name + ": %{customdata[0]} <br>" 

I need to make it dynamic. since the columns are placed as per the dataframe in the custom_data at the time of creation of fig and also in the col, taking indexing will work fine. but I am not able to access the col data in the function. I also tried f-string and it is also not working.

Fixed it.

def custom_tooltip(fig,df,to_display, is_detailed = False):
    This Function overrides the inbuild or pre-made tool tip of plotly. 
    fig : graph object that is plotted
    df : dataframe that is used to plot
    to_display : dict of columns with its custom display
    is_detailed : Accepts True or False. If needed custom display text, make it to True.

    All the special datatypes like int, datetime64[s] is handled properly. the function assumes all other datatype in the dataframe are of the datatype string.
    if there is any other special datatype, handle them accordingly in the function. 
    col = list(df.columns)
    hover_template_string = str()
    for i, display_name in to_display.items():
        if df[i].dtype == "int64": #handling special data type : Int
            if is_detailed:
                hover_template_string += display_name + ":"
            hover_template_string +=  "%{customdata[" + f"{col.index(i)}" + "]:,.0f} <br>"

        elif df[i].dtype == "datetime64[s]": #handling special Data type : datetime64[s]
            if is_detailed:
                hover_template_string += display_name + ":"
            hover_template_string += "%{customdata[" + f"{col.index(i)}" + "]|%B %d, %Y} <br>"
        else:#handling all other data type : mostly strings.
            if is_detailed:                              
                hover_template_string += display_name + ":" 
            hover_template_string += "%{customdata[" + f"{col.index(i)}" + "]} <br>"
    hover_template_string += "<extra></extra>"
    fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = hover_template_string)

    print("Sucessfully Added the tooltip")