Hello eveyone!
I have a quick question: basically I have created a plot with some hover information and I have a dropdown button, where the user can chose from which dataframe (filtered or not) the plot is going to be based on, My problem is that the hover data is not displayed correctly when I use the dropdown button. So i initiate my figure like so:
first_df = pd.DataFrame({' gene':['gene'+str(i) for i in range(10)],
'columnA':['info A '+str(i) for i in range(10)],
'columnB':['info B '+str(i) for i in range(10)]})
second_df = pd.DataFrame({'gene':['gene'+str(i) for i in range(10,20)],
'columnA':['info A '+str(i) for i in range(10,20)],
'columnB':['info B '+str(i) for i in range(10,20)]})
first_df_filtered = first_df.iloc[[0,2,4,6,8]]
second_df_filtered = second_df.iloc[[0,2,4,6,8]]
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_scatter3d(x = first_df['x'],
y = first_df['y'],
z = first_df['z'],
customdata = first_df[['columnA', 'columnB']],
hovertemplate = '<br>'.join(["<b>%{text}</b><br>",
"<i>info on y</i> = %{y:.2f}",
"<i>info on x</i> = %{x:.2f}",
"<i>info customdata 0</i> = %{customdata[0]}",
"<i>info customdata 1</i> = %{customdata[1]}"
text = first_df['gene'],
fig.add_scatter3d(x = second_df['x'],
y = second_df['y'],
z = second_df['z'],
customdata = second_df[['columnA', 'columnB']],
hovertemplate = "<br>".join(["<b>%{text}</b><br>",
"<i>info on y</i> = %{y:.2f}",
"<i>info on x</i> = %{x:.2f}",
"<i>info customdata 0</i> = %{customdata[0]}",
"<i>info customdata 1</i> = %{customdata[1]}"
text = second_df['gene'],
buttons = list(
[dict(label = 'No filter',
method = 'update',
args = [{'x': [first_df['x'], second_df['x']],
'y': [first_df['y'], second_df['y']],
'z': [first_df['z'], second_df['z']],
'text': [first_df['gene'], second_df['gene']],
'customdata[0]':[first_df['columnA'], second_df['columnA']],
'customdata[1]':[first_df['columnB'], second_df['columnB']],
dict(label = 'Filter on',
method = 'update',
args = [{'x': [first_df_filtered['x'], second_df_filtered['x']],
'y': [first_df_filtered['y'], second_df_filtered['y']],
'z': [first_df_filtered['z'], second_df_filtered['z']],
'text': [first_df_filtered['gene'], second_df_filtered['gene']],
'customdata[0]':[first_df_filtered['columnA'], second_df_filtered['columnA']],
'customdata[1]':[first_df_filtered['columnB'], second_df_filtered['columnB']],
When I click on the button ‘No filter’, all the information shown on the hoverbox for each point is correct, but when I click on the button ‘Filter on’ the information shown in the hoverbox for the customdata is not correct. However if I click again on the ‘No filter’ button the information is correct again. Here is a picture showing an example of my problem:
Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Really appreciate it!