I’m producing a US county choropleth map but running into issues when I try to include Hawaii and Alaska. The default scope=[“usa”] works fine, but when I change it to scope=[“usa”, “AK”, “HI”], it zooms way out and world map with all other countries blanked out, with the result that you can no longer see the US-48 county info very well, AK looks HUGE and HI is barely visible. Is there a way to make it so that it shows up as it does in the example at https://plot.ly/python/choropleth-maps/#united-states-choropleth-map ? There Alaska and Hawaii are tucked away in the bottom right so it all fits nicely. What I’m getting now looks like this:
Hi @sosaysi26,
I don’t think there’s an option for that in the figure factory right now. Feel free to open a feature request at https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/issues.