Hey @Mike_Purtell,
I love the variety of charts you’ve created! Your analytical skills really shine through
I recently wrote a post on choosing the right colors for your data visualizations, and I think your bar charts would be a great example to try them out on!
If you upload your image to a color blindness simulator, you’ll notice that the purple, pink, red, and orange shades are difficult to differentiate for someone with red-weakness/blindness. With more than 12 color categories, it can be challenging to avoid frequently checking the legend as well.
Here are a couple of suggestions:
- Group the color legend into 4-5 regions, like Northeast, Southwest, West, Southeast, and Midwest. This way, it’s easier to choose 4-5 easily distinguishable colors.
- Alternatively, keep the 4-5 main groups you have and categorize everything else as “Other,” which you could keep in grey or another neutral color. For example, in your second chart, everything after Alaska doesn’t seem to have a visible bar length, so grouping them under “Other” might work well.
Hope this helps!