.exe or .msi from Dash App

Hi folks, needs some help or ideas here.

I was hoping to create a dash application in which a user can download, input their credentials, and then pull data. The functionality would ideally let them add and remove user accounts to be included in the application.

I was able to deploy my app to Heroku, but don’t really have the expertise to package up my app into an executable file, or how to deploy it. If any folks here can point me in the direction to any resources that have already done something similar would be super helpful.


Why would you want the user to download the app? I’m asking out of curiosity.

I’m not really experienced with deploying and hosting on different cloud providers such as AWS, Azure or Google.

But you actually deployed your app on heroku and made it accessible to the users. If you need, you can set up users and authentication, there are some topics about this on the forums.

So I think the idea is to make it a subscription based app that users can download but only if they have subscribed to the be able to access it. The idea is pretty unique and would be utilized by teams around the world.

I see. But why download and not just access it, given they have the credentials to do so?