Embedding dash inside react

We want to allow our clients to create dashboards using dash but we do not want to use dash ourselves and ideally we want to achieve this by just having some dash react/web component which we can then point to some functions that it can use to communicate with a dash server. That way we can run our clients’s dash app in a separate process yet integrate it with our non dash platform and give it some functions which will encapsulate the dash communication and route it through our platform to the actual dash server.

Is there some way to do this and if not would you be open to accepting patches to dash-renderer to extend it to support this use case?

Hi @iwan.aucamp,
Thanks for the detailed question. My name is Rob and I am from the sales team at Plotly. I would be happy to have a call with you to discuss in more detail what you are looking for and how Dash Embedded can help you. Please send an email to robcalvin@plot.ly and we can go from there.