For some time I’ve been thinking of writing a function that converts jinja2 templates to Dash HTML objects.
So here is a first attempt at doing the HTML string to Dash object using the standard library module html.parser (someone should definitely redo this with beautifulsoup which is going to far more forgiving of your HTML code and less likely to have bugs):
import inspect
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import dash_html_components as html
class DashHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._stack = []
self.dash_object = None
def get_dash_tag_class(tag):
tag_title = tag.title()
if not hasattr(html, tag_title):
raise ValueError(f'Can not find Dash HTML tag {tag_title}')
return getattr(html, tag_title)
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
dash_tag_class = self.get_dash_tag_class(tag)
# Convert Attributes to Dash Attributes
dash_attrs = {}
if attrs:
named_dash_attrs = list(inspect.signature(dash_tag_class.__init__).parameters)[1:-1]
lower_named_dash_attrs = {n.lower(): n for n in named_dash_attrs}
for attr_name, attr_value in attrs:
lower_attr_name = attr_name.lower()
if lower_attr_name == 'class':
dash_attrs['className'] = attr_value
elif lower_attr_name == 'style':
style_dict = {}
for style in attr_value.split(';'):
style_key, style_value = style.split(':')
style_dict[style_key] = style_value
dash_attrs['style'] = style_dict
elif lower_attr_name in ('n_clicks', 'n_clicks_timestamp'):
dash_attrs[lower_attr_name] = int(attr_value)
elif lower_attr_name in lower_named_dash_attrs:
dash_attrs[lower_named_dash_attrs[lower_attr_name]] = attr_value
dash_attrs[attr_name] = attr_value
# Create the real tag
dash_tag = dash_tag_class(**dash_attrs)
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
dash_tag_class = self.get_dash_tag_class(tag)
dash_tag = self._stack.pop()
if type(dash_tag) is not dash_tag_class:
raise ValueError(f'Malformed HTML')
# Final Tag
if not self._stack:
self.dash_object = dash_tag
# Set Children to always be a list
if type(self._stack[-1].children) is not list:
self._stack[-1].children = []
# Append tag on to parent tag
def handle_data(self, data):
# Set Children to always be a list
if type(self._stack[-1].children) is not list:
self._stack[-1].children = []
# Append tag on to parent tag
def html_to_dash(html_string):
parser = DashHTMLParser()
return parser.dash_object
I’m not sure how useful you will find this code, and there are definitely bugs in it and improvements that can be made, also it is very strict about what it considers to be correct HTML (I consider this a feature). But hopefully this points you in the right direction!
Yes, I wrote this in a way that only takes fully enclosed html fragments, so everything needs to be wrapped in some kind of tag, e.g:
'<span>An <b>important</b> undertaking</span>'
'<div>An <b>important</b> undertaking</div>'
It just made the code a little simpler to write, and I kind of like forcing valid HTML fragments. I wish it would give you a more meaningful error message but that’s actually quite a bit of extra work to do in general.
Also I just reread the code and fixed a minor bug when using attributes in your tags, I changed:
lower_attr_name = attr_name
lower_attr_name = attr_name.lower()
Which allows you to make case insensitive attributes like <b ClasS="myclass"> and it still work.