Here is a simple function to convert an HTML string to Dash dash_html_components components.
Can be useful to convert existing pages/layout to Dash.
def convert_html_to_dash(html_code):
"""Convert standard html to Dash components"""
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import dash_html_components as html
def parse_css(css):
"""Convert a style in ccs format to dictionary accepted by Dash"""
return {k: v for style in css.strip(";").split(";") for k, v in [style.split(":")]}
def _convert(elem):
comp = getattr(html, elem.tag.capitalize())
children = [_convert(child) for child in elem]
if not children:
children = elem.text
attribs = elem.attrib.copy()
if "class" in attribs:
attribs["className"] = attribs.pop("class")
attribs = {k: (parse_css(v) if k == "style" else v) for k, v in attribs.items()}
return comp(children=children, **attribs)
et = ElementTree.fromstring(html_code)
return _convert(et)
looks good, I will give it a try! thanks
Thanks for this, it would surely come in handy.
An update supporting:
- components from dash_bootstrap_components
- attributes that are python literals (int, float, dicts, lists, …)
The latest fiture allows you do the following to define a slider with marks (notice the marks attribute that is a string version of python dict):
my_value = 3
my_marks = {0: "min", 3:"3", 5:"max"}
html = f'<slider min="0" max="5" step="1" value="{my_value}" marks="{my_marks}" class="col-span-4"></slider>'
slider = convert_html_to_dash(html)
Updated version:
def convert_html_to_dash(html_code, dash_modules=None):
"""Convert standard html (as string) to Dash components.
Looks into the list of dash_modules to find the right component (default to [html, dcc, dbc])."""
from xml.etree import ElementTree
if dash_modules is None:
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
dash_modules = [html, dcc]
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
except ImportError:
def find_component(name):
for module in dash_modules:
return getattr(module, name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(f"Could not find a dash widget for '{name}'")
def parse_css(css):
"""Convert a style in ccs format to dictionary accepted by Dash"""
return {k: v for style in css.strip(";").split(";") for k, v in [style.split(":")]}
def parse_value(v):
return ast.literal_eval(v)
except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
return v
parsers = {"style": parse_css, "id": lambda x: x}
def _convert(elem):
comp = find_component(elem.tag.capitalize())
children = [_convert(child) for child in elem]
if not children:
children = elem.text
attribs = elem.attrib.copy()
if "class" in attribs:
attribs["className"] = attribs.pop("class")
attribs = {k: parsers.get(k, parse_value)(v) for k, v in attribs.items()}
return comp(children=children, **attribs)
et = ElementTree.fromstring(html_code)
return _convert(et)