Dynamic width of a Dash AG Grid

I have a Dash AG Grid object defined as:

grid = dag.AgGrid(
  id = grid_id,
  columnDefs = column_defs,
  rowData = df_perf.to_dict("records"),
  className = "ag-theme-alpine-dark",
  columnSize = "sizeToFit",
  dashGridOptions = {"dataTypeDefinitions": dataTypeDefinitions},
  style = {"height": "100%", "width": "100%"},

When this gets rendered, it does indeed occupy 100% the width of the div that I place it into, however, upon browser resizing, the parent gets wider but the AG Grid stays the same width.

If my browser is half the width of my screen and I initially render the table, here’s how it looks:
Screenshot from 2024-08-08 13-31-42

If I then resize my browser to take up the full screen, then there is a large gap between the right edge of the table and the parent div:

Is there a setting that would make this dynamically adjust (without having to refresh the page after window resizing)? With Plotly, one could set config={'responsive': True} for a dcc.Graph() object to accomplish this, but I see no analog for a Grid.


Hello @shwiftyRick,

This is all grid:

Your columns arent growing, if you want that to happen, I’d recommend having flex: 1 to your columnDefs.

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Oops, great eye! Thanks, this solution worked!