AG Grid - How to set Rows Height dynamically

Hello guys,

I have a webapp with a DASH AG GRID;

In the app, I have set the option to the user to change the font-size as you can see below:

I’m doing this by rendering the table again with the selected font-size as you can see below:

But what I would like to do now is to discover how could I set the rows height also dynamically?

Just to ilustrate what I want to do: Let’s say the user selected the font size Large, I would like to set the row height to 35, if Medium 30 and so on;

I don’t know if for this specific case it is necessary to provide an MRE, but If you need one you can use one I created GitHub - kaburelabs/dag-rows-styling: It's a implementation of style and other customizations for DASH-AG-GRID to the ROWS

Any help on how to do this will be really appreciated!

Hi @kabure

Have you tried the getRowHeight function or autoHeight?

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Hi @AnnMarieW Thank you

With some adjusts, I reached what I was looking for; It’s working now