Dropdown labels show "ALL" and individual values in df

I have a dropdown menu called gender with default value “ALL” for a chart. When the page loads, the page shows a chart with all aggregated data. After clicking a gender label, the chart updates accordingly. The problem is that it is not possible to go back to the “ALL” chart again. I would like to have the dropdown labels of “ALL” and individual genders but they don’t work together. The code also shows there is an error at the position of for loop and I have remove the “ALL” label to get rid of the error.




        {'label': 'ALL', 'value': 'ALL'},

        {'label': gender, 'value': gender } 

        for gender in df['gender'].unique()





I think you need to include “ALL” as another option in your df['gender´] and change the options to:


        {'label': gender, 'value': gender } 

        for gender in df['gender'].unique()




Thanks. The suggestion should work but it will require modifying the df.
Got an idea from this post.. Put the list in a function.

Creates a list of dictionaries, which have the keys ‘label’ and ‘value’.

def get_options(list_stocks):
    dict_list = []
    for i in list_stocks:
        dict_list.append({'label': i, 'value': i})

    return dict_list
