Does scatter_geo needs an internet access to display the map?

Plotly actually tries to retrieve data from to plot the map. I found discussions about this on python - Displaying Plotly maps on disconnected system - Stack Overflow, (Kevin Daly’s answer), and here Cannot draw a map offline · Issue #514 · plotly/ · GitHub (carlosvega’s answer)
Hammy27 suggested that installing plotly-geo would fix the issue, but it didnt work; maps are still missing.

The root of the issue is that the machine on which the dash app run does not have any access to the internet.

While looking for a reference to “topojson” somewhere in the doc, in the modules files and on this forum, I found this previous post:

which pointed to the doc:

and helped a lot in fixing the problem. Thanks, @zoohair

In a nutshell, the solution consists in:

  1. in the DashApp assets folder, make a new folder in which will be stored the topjson files. In this example, I named it “topojson_local”

  2. copy-paste the content of, in a json file, which is then saved into the assets/topojson folder. Proceed similarly with, and the other ones.

  3. at the top of the dash app, add the following:

    isOffline = True
    plotlyConfig = {'topojsonURL':'assets/topojson_local/'} if isOffline else {}

    (as suggested by @zoohair )

  4. the dcc.Graph component containing the map must set the config arg as below:

          style={"height": "100%"}

And then, the dash app will render the map, even if it is executed on some intranet without any access to the web.