It begins to be really painfullā¦
- I tested the path as it is but of course it didnāt work because in spyder, we need Linux pathsā¦
- I modified the code to change the path inside and provide an linux friendly type of path, by performing the following lines of code :
def get_topojson(relative_path):
path = os.path.join(file_dir, relative_path)
path = path.replace('\\', '/')
i = json.load(open(path, 'r'))
return json.dumps(i)
- I donāt know if the javascript inside the html file is well called, before the generation of the plot, there is an if condition but iām not sure that the condition is respected :
window.PLOTLYENV=window.PLOTLYENV || {};
if (document.getElementById("023743d3-6456-4b13-88c9-6c551fb17550")) {
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"linecolor": "white", "ticks": ""}}, "title": {"x": 0.05}, "xaxis": {"automargin": true, "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "", "title": {"standoff": 15}, "zerolinecolor": "white", "zerolinewidth": 2}, "yaxis": {"automargin": true, "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "", "title": {"standoff": 15}, "zerolinecolor": "white", "zerolinewidth": 2}}}, "title": {"text": "JustApoint"}, "xaxis": {"title": {"text": "Longitude"}}, "yaxis": {"title": {"text": "Latitude"}}},
{"topojsonURL": "", "responsive": true}
- I tried a really simple plot also :
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import plot
SimpleTrace = go.Scattergeo(lon=[-45.],
data = [SimpleTrace]
layout = go.Layout(title='JustApoint',
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
plot(fig, config={'topojsonURL':''})
Finally, when I open the html with notepad++, their is only one like path and the GET is orking well when Iām clicking on the link.