How do you do your documentation on your dash project? Do you use docstrings? sphinx? google style guidelines?
I am looking for some examples on how to do that. The apps that are on the dash app gallery are documented in a simple way and I don’t know if this is a good practice or if it’s required to do something more sophisticated.
I understand that finally the documentation depends on the developer and the requirements, but I am only looking for guidance and best practices.
Hi @pradel, the dash documentation is a very big multipage Dash app. You can find its source code on (the documentation pages are in the dash_docs/tutorial directory). The big advantage of this solution is that your doc is reactive and interactive since it’s a Dash app, therefore you can demonstrate the parameters of the different components and how they interact together. However, you have to host your documentation (heroku is a free solution for this), since you need flask to run your application, so you cannot just dump a set of html pages somewhere (Github pages for example) as for a static doc.
Sphinx is not used for the Dash documentation, but it is used for documenting the API of the library
For the Dash apps of the gallery, you may have noticed that there is often a dcc.Tab with documentation (and other tabs for the interaction with data), it’s a useful trick to have enough space for the documentation without cluttering the dashboard with a lot of information. Also, dcc.Markdown is a convenient way to write well-formatted text such as documentation.
I’m sure other users will have other tips and tricks to share !