I’m currently using Plotly library on Python and I’m trying to display the y-axis origin line. I see examples online that have both origin lines, however when I use my custom layout they don’t appear and I can’t figure out the style to get them back.
Y-Axis Line Showing:
What mine looks like:
layout = dict(
width = 900,
heigth = 900,
xaxis = dict(
showgrid = False,
autogrid = True,
title = "Date",
titlefont = dict(
size = 20,
color = "#000"
tickfont = dict(
size = 14,
color = "#000"
yaxis = dict(
showgrid = False,
zeroline = True,
autogrid = True,
title = "Tweets per Second",
titlefont = dict(
size = 20,
color = "#000"
tickfont = dict(
size = 14,
color = "#000"