Hi, I am trying to add popover to dash-leaflet easy button, so that when user clicks on the button, a popover can appear right next to the easy button (somewhat similar to measure control or layers control).
I know that dash bootstrap component library has popover, which requires a target parameter that corresponds the id of the button. However, the id parameter of easy button works only for the callback, and the id does not appear in the DOM so the popover cannot actually be added to it.
Currently I add a Div element to wrap around the easy button. But this is not ideal since when the map is rendered, the div element actually goes towards the bottom of map container div rather than actually containing the easy button. Visually the div goes to the top-left of the map, and I have to set div’s margin-top and margin-left to 10px, z-index to an arbitrary large number, opacity to 0 so that the popover works.
I am curious if there is any alternative or perhaps better strategy of adding popover to a custom button on the map.