dcc.Graph config options

It would be nice to see a list of graph config options that would include one to hide the undo/redo element.

This does not work:


Note: the 'displayModeBar supression DOES work but not the queueLength.

Can you point to a list of the configuration options for dcc.Graph? (they are not in the help(dcc.Graph) unfortunately as of right now. (Dash 0.26.0)

Actually they are :slight_smile:. Here’s help(dcc.Graph)

A Graph component.

Keyword arguments:

  • id (string; required)
  • clickData (dict; optional): Data from latest click event
  • hoverData (dict; optional): Data from latest hover event
  • clear_on_unhover (boolean; optional): If True, clear_on_unhover will clear the hoverData property
    when the user “unhovers” from a point.
    If False, then the hoverData property will be equal to the
    data from the last point that was hovered over.
  • selectedData (dict; optional): Data from latest select event
  • relayoutData (dict; optional): Data from latest relayout event which occurs
    when the user zooms or pans on the plot
  • figure (dict; optional): Plotly figure object. See schema:
    Single-page reference in JavaScript
  • style (dict; optional): Generic style overrides on the plot div
  • className (string; optional): className of the parent div
  • animate (boolean; optional): Beta: If true, animate between updates using
    plotly.js’s animate function
  • animation_options (dict; optional): Beta: Object containing animation settings.
    Only applies if animate is true
  • config (optional): Plotly.js config options.
    See Configuration options in JavaScript
    for more info… config has the following type: dict containing keys ‘staticPlot’, ‘editable’, ‘edits’, ‘autosizable’, ‘queueLength’, ‘fillFrame’, ‘frameMargins’, ‘scrollZoom’, ‘doubleClick’, ‘showTips’, ‘showAxisDragHandles’, ‘showAxisRangeEntryBoxes’, ‘showLink’, ‘sendData’, ‘linkText’, ‘displayModeBar’, ‘modeBarButtonsToRemove’, ‘modeBarButtonsToAdd’, ‘modeBarButtons’, ‘displaylogo’, ‘plotGlPixelRatio’, ‘topojsonURL’, ‘mapboxAccessToken’.
    Those keys have the following types:
    • staticPlot (boolean; optional): no interactivity, for export or image generation
    • editable (boolean; optional): we can edit titles, move annotations, etc - sets all pieces of edits
      unless a separate edits config item overrides individual parts
    • edits (optional): a set of editable properties. edits has the following type: dict containing keys ‘annotationPosition’, ‘annotationTail’, ‘annotationText’, ‘axisTitleText’, ‘colorbarPosition’, ‘colorbarTitleText’, ‘legendPosition’, ‘legendText’, ‘shapePosition’, ‘titleText’.
      Those keys have the following types:
    • annotationPosition (boolean; optional): annotationPosition: the main anchor of the annotation, which is the
      text (if no arrow) or the arrow (which drags the whole thing leaving
      the arrow length & direction unchanged)
    • annotationTail (boolean; optional): just for annotations with arrows, change the length and direction of the arrow
    • annotationText (boolean; optional)
    • axisTitleText (boolean; optional)
    • colorbarPosition (boolean; optional)
    • colorbarTitleText (boolean; optional)
    • legendPosition (boolean; optional)
    • legendText (boolean; optional): edit the trace name fields from the legend
    • shapePosition (boolean; optional)
    • titleText (boolean; optional): the global layout.title
    • autosizable (boolean; optional): DO autosize once regardless of layout.autosize
      (use default width or height values otherwise)
    • queueLength (number; optional): set the length of the undo/redo queue
    • fillFrame (boolean; optional): if we DO autosize, do we fill the container or the screen?
    • frameMargins (number; optional): if we DO autosize, set the frame margins in percents of plot size
    • scrollZoom (boolean; optional): mousewheel or two-finger scroll zooms the plot
    • doubleClick (a value equal to: false, ‘reset’, ‘autosize’, ‘reset+autosize’; optional): double click interaction (false, ‘reset’, ‘autosize’ or ‘reset+autosize’)
    • showTips (boolean; optional): new users see some hints about interactivity
    • showAxisDragHandles (boolean; optional): enable axis pan/zoom drag handles
    • showAxisRangeEntryBoxes (boolean; optional): enable direct range entry at the pan/zoom drag points
      (drag handles must be enabled above)
    • showLink (boolean; optional): link to open this plot in plotly
    • sendData (boolean; optional): if we show a link, does it contain data or just link to a plotly file?
    • linkText (string; optional): text appearing in the sendData link
    • displayModeBar (a value equal to: true, false, ‘hover’; optional): display the mode bar (true, false, or ‘hover’)
    • modeBarButtonsToRemove (list; optional): remove mode bar button by name.
      All modebar button names at plotly.js/src/components/modebar/buttons.js at master ¡ plotly/plotly.js ¡ GitHub
      Common names include:
      • sendDataToCloud
      • (2D): zoom2d, pan2d, select2d, lasso2d, zoomIn2d, zoomOut2d, autoScale2d, resetScale2d
      • (Cartesian): hoverClosestCartesian, hoverCompareCartesian
      • (3D): zoom3d, pan3d, orbitRotation, tableRotation, handleDrag3d, resetCameraDefault3d, resetCameraLastSave3d, hoverClosest3d
      • (Geo): zoomInGeo, zoomOutGeo, resetGeo, hoverClosestGeo
      • hoverClosestGl2d, hoverClosestPie, toggleHover, resetViews
    • modeBarButtonsToAdd (list; optional): add mode bar button using config objects
    • modeBarButtons (boolean | number | string | dict | list; optional): fully custom mode bar buttons as nested array,
      where the outer arrays represents button groups, and
      the inner arrays have buttons config objects or names of default buttons
    • displaylogo (boolean; optional): add the plotly logo on the end of the mode bar
    • plotGlPixelRatio (number; optional): increase the pixel ratio for Gl plot images
    • topojsonURL (string; optional): URL to topojson files used in geo charts
    • mapboxAccessToken (boolean | number | string | dict | list; optional): Mapbox access token (required to plot mapbox trace types)
      If using an Mapbox Atlas server, set this option to ‘’,
      so that plotly.js won’t attempt to authenticate to the public Mapbox server.

A post was split to a new topic: /assets/css crashes app

Why does this not work…? I still see the “edit graph in plotly” icon.

id=‘blah-cfg-plot’, config = {‘showLink’ : False}


EDIT: Resolved How to set plotly graph config for dcc.Graph?. modeBarButtonsToRemove helped.