Hello all,
I wanna to build a chart that represent the duration of calls over several roads as shown below
I create a Date Picker Range to change the Date axis based on user selection,
when I create a callback for this graph, find the code below
Output('mo-per-road-paragraph', 'figure'),
Input('org-voice-per-road-date-picker', 'start_date'),
Input('org-voice-per-road-date-picker', 'end_date'),
State('mo-per-road-paragraph', 'figure'),
def update_output(start_date, end_date, mo_per_road_paragraph):
if not start_date or not end_date:
raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate
mo_per_road_paragraph = Patch()
mo_per_road_paragraph['layout']['xaxis']['range'][0, 0] = start_date
mo_per_road_paragraph['layout']['xaxis']['range'][1, 1] = end_date
return mo_per_road_paragraph
and this is the code for the chart
id='org-voice-per-road-date-picker', # ID to be used for callback
calendar_orientation='horizontal', # vertical or horizontal
day_size=39, # size of calendar image. Default is 39
end_date_placeholder_text="End Date", # text that appears when no end date chosen
with_portal=False, # if True calendar will open in a full screen overlay portal
first_day_of_week=0, # Display of calendar when open (0 = Sunday)
is_RTL=False, # True or False for direction of calendar
clearable=True, # whether or not the user can clear the dropdown
number_of_months_shown=1, # number of months shown when calendar is open
# minimum date allowed on the DatePickerRange component
display_format='MMM Do, YY',
month_format='MMMM, YYYY',
figure=px.line(data_frame=mo_voice_traffic_org, x='Date', y='duration(min)',
color='Road Name',
title='MO Voice Calls - Min/day', markers=True,
responsive=True, style={'display': 'inline-block', 'margin-top': '3rem', 'width': '58rem',
'margin-right': '2rem', 'border': 'solid black'}
So, when I try to put start and end date, there is no change on the graph (first problem)
Second problem
When I try to select on of roads from the legend, it overlap with the next graph
So, can anyone help me to solve this problems
Thanks in advance.