Hi all,
I’m working on utilizing the capabilities of Openseadragon a framework that allows users to interact with images with a large number of pixels (my images being in order of 1-10 gigapixel SEM stitched images.) From what I have gotten to work together so far, I can utilize the Deep Zoom Composer tools from Microsoft to compose an image pyramid configuration that gets used by Openseadragon to display images on demand based on the zoom level.
Having had no background in JS, one limitation I’m running into is provide some tools for users to interact (annotate, measure, etc.) on images in a collaborative manner. There are some tools already available, such as Annotorious, but I’m wondering if Dash could be a potential avenue to explore options in a Python setting.
I also recently learned that there is a Dash-Canvas project that’s active as well, and I’m wondering if the Dash-Canvas could act as an ‘overlay’ on the openseadragon framework already in place, for example, or maybe there is an even cleaner solution that exists already.
In summary: I’m looking for a Dash-based solution for annotating, measuring, etc. on images. It looks like there is already a lot of work in JS (Openseadragon in the wild,) but I’m wondering if there is a bit more Python-friendly option available through Dash.
Would anyone care to share their experience or provide any guidance on my activity? Thank you again for all the hard work on making this project come true!