I have a set of raster data for the years 2000 and 2020. I would like to create a dashboard using Dash. The dashboard should have five tabs, the including a link to the homepage.
Users should be able to select a year, and the corresponding maps for each raster data should be displayed.
Is it feasible to implement these features using Dash?
The homepage of the app should feature a project description and provide a link to explore the maps. While I am aware that similar functionality can be achieved with ArcGIS dashboards, I would like to use Dash for this purpose.
Dash leaflet offers great capabilities for maps and also raster layers. Check out the documentation. On the left you find the topic “Raster Layers” with four subtopics.
A quick one. Does it support TIFF files? I noticed it supports jpg files. However, what I want to do involves TIFF files. I also came across georaster-layer-for-leaflet, but I don’t know if it’s integrated into dash leaflet
I removed “direct” support for (geo) tiff files in recent version of Dash, as loading these typically large files directly doesn’t provide the best user experience. Hence, at present you have two options,
Use the ImageOverlay component, which supports e.g. jpg image. It suited for small-ish images (~ up to a few MB)
Use a tile server (such as Terracotta) to serve e.g. (geo) tiff to a TileLayer component. This work flow is suited for large images
It sounds like the use case here is more (2) than (1). I made a small sample app for inspiraton some time ago.
Thank you all for the suggestions. This is what I did:
I utilized GDAL to transform my TIFF file into a cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format, subsequently uploading it to my Google Cloud Storage bucket. Next, I used titiler and dash-leafmap to serve the GeoTIFF file directly from Google Cloud, integrating it into my app.