Hi everyone
I’m currently working on a CRM (Customer relationship management) project for a hospital and in this phase I’m looking for dashboard examples to get new ideas.
So I’d be grateful if you share any kind of customer relationship dashboard not necessarily of a hospital but of any kind of business .
You can find a bunch of different Dash examples here: Plotly Dash App Examples
Yeah I’ve already checked them. I’m looking specifically for Customer relation dashboards
Hey @aynazabs,
Welcome to plotly and maybe I can help with some guidance. I work full time building out enterprise dashboards for a large engineering firm. I’ve also worked in the largest mental health non-profit in my area in a systems administration role.
Good news is from the experience I’ve seen… software for the hospital and medical field is needed! I remember working at the non-profit and we where still using a software to submit case files which was built in 1986… basically command line for batching large amounts of important medical information to the government and it was ugly, janky and a miserable process. Their where other applications we used that where more up to date but overall as a developer I started spotting areas I could improve the software I was working within.
Bad news, is its going to be difficult to get your hands on a lot of examples of proto-types or examples as this industry specifically likes to build a moat around their software and keeps it close to their chest.
Although not specific to your industry or specific to dash but decent reference for design some interesting admin portals I enjoy looking at for inspiration are:
and this django open source project is very interesting imo:
not an ideal reply but hopefully this gives some ideas. I’d also suggest looking at dash mantine components and https://pip-install-python.com/
Hope this helps some and good luck on your programming journey.