Chart with two different timestamp axis


I can demonstrate the problem most easily with an example.
Most examples with several curves and one timestamp axis are like this:

Timestamp ValueA ValueB
07:00:00 2 5
07:00:10 8 3
07:01:23 8 6
07:02:55 12 6

I want to display two tables with different timestamps axes in one chart. The tables look like this:

Timestamp ValueA
07:00:00 2
07:00:10 8
07:01:23 8
07:02:55 12

Timestamp ValueB
07:00:35 5
07:00:57 3
07:01:15 6
07:02:30 10

All my attempts did not lead to the right result. Perhaps you have a solution.
Thanks for your help.

With best regards