Changing the xaxis title/label position?

No, you can only set xaxis_title_standoff=n_pixels, to give the distance in pixels, between the axis labels and the title text.

You can set xaxis_ticklabelposition but its effect is not we are expecting:


 Determines where tick labels are drawn with respect to the axis
    Please note that top or bottom has no effect on x axes or when
    `ticklabelmode` is set to "period". Similarly left or right has
    no effect on y axes or when `ticklabelmode` is set to "period".
    Has no effect on "multicategory" axes or when `tickson` is set
    to "boundaries". When used on axes linked by `matches` or
    `scaleanchor`, no extra padding for inside labels would be
    added by autorange, so that the scales could match.
    The 'ticklabelposition' property is an enumeration that may be specified as:
      - One of the following enumeration values:
            ['outside', 'inside', 'outside top', 'inside top',
            'outside left', 'inside left', 'outside right', 'inside
            right', 'outside bottom', 'inside bottom']

You can inspect all xaxis properties printing:

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