Can't get a gauge like pie chart to rotate clockwise

I was trying to create a gauge to indicate percentage change. The onlly example I can find is this gauge here:Screenshot%20from%202018-10-30%2018-10-15
but I can’t get the needle to rotate. So instead, I use the color to indicate changes. Here is my mock up code:

from ipywidgets import FloatLogSlider, interact
@interact(ratio=FloatSlider(min=0, max=50, step=1, value=10))
def show_improve(ratio):
    color_pair = ['rgb(232,206,202)','rgb(226,126,64)']
    #if ratio>24:
    #    color_pair = color_pair[::-1]
    base_chart = {
        "values": [40, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
        "labels": ["-", "10", "8%", "6%", "4%", "2%", "0"],
        "domain": {"x": [0, .48]},
        "marker": {
            "colors": [
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
            "line": {
                "width": 1
        "name": "Gauge",
        "hole": .4,
        "type": "pie",
        "direction": "clockwise",
        "rotation": 108,
        "showlegend": False,
        "hoverinfo": "none",
        "textinfo": "label",
        "textposition": "outside"

    meter_chart = {
        "values": [50, ratio, 0],
        "marker": {
            'colors': ['rgb(255, 255, 255)', *(color_pair[::-1])]
        "domain": {"x": [0, 0.48]},
        "name": "Gauge",
        "hole": .3,
        "type": "pie",
        "direction": "counterclockwise",
        "rotation": 90,
        "showlegend": False,
        "textinfo": "label",
        "textposition": "none",
        #"hoverinfo": "none"

    layout = {
        'xaxis': {
            'showticklabels': False,
            'showgrid': False,
            'zeroline': False,
        'yaxis': {
            'showticklabels': False,
            'showgrid': False,
            'zeroline': False,
        'annotations': [
                'xref': 'paper',
                'yref': 'paper',
                'x': 0.23,
                'y': 0.45,
                'text': '{:.0%}'.format(ratio/50*0.1),
                'showarrow': False

    # we don't want the boundary now
    base_chart['marker']['line']['width'] = 0

    gauge_fig = {"data": [base_chart, meter_chart],
                 "layout": layout}

But I can’t get it to work for counter clockwise rotation. The main problem is when I switch the rotation to clock wise, the color is not the deep orange, but instead just white.

Any suggestion as to how I can do this?

Hi @chainster_mike,

You might want to look at using the new barpolar trace type ( This would let you work directly in angular coordinates, which might be more natural in this case.

Here’s how you could draw the initial gauge

import plotly.graph_objs as go
fig = go.FigureWidget()
fig.add_barpolar(r = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                 theta = [0, 36, 72, 108, 144],
                 marker={'color': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]})

# Configure polar 1
fig.layout.polar.hole = 0.4
fig.layout.polar.angularaxis.showgrid = False
fig.layout.polar.radialaxis.showgrid = False
fig.layout.polar.radialaxis.range = [0, 1]
fig.layout.polar.radialaxis.tickvals = []
fig.layout.polar.bargap = 0.9
fig.layout.polar.sector = [0, 180]
fig.layout.polar.domain.x = [0, 1]

Then you could even use a second smaller polar line plot as the needle

needle = fig.add_scatterpolar(r=[1, 0, 0, 1],
                              theta=[0, -20, 20, 0],
                              subplot = 'polar2')
# Configure polar 2 for needle
fig.layout.polar2 = {}
fig.layout.polar2.hole = 0.1
fig.layout.polar2.angularaxis.showgrid = False
fig.layout.polar2.radialaxis.showgrid = False
fig.layout.polar2.radialaxis.range = [0, 1]
fig.layout.polar2.radialaxis.tickvals = []
fig.layout.polar2.bargap = 0.9
fig.layout.polar2.sector = [0, 180]
fig.layout.polar2.domain.x = [0, 1]
fig.layout.polar2.domain.y = [0, 0.35]
fig.layout.polar2.angularaxis.tickvals = []
fig.layout.polar2.radialaxis.tickvals = []
fig.layout.polar2.angularaxis.showline = False
fig.layout.polar2.radialaxis.showline = False

Then you could set the needle’s angle with the fig.layout.polar2.angularaxis.rotation property

# Set needle angle
fig.layout.polar2.angularaxis.rotation = 120

Hope that gives you some ideas!

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Thank you very much! I learn a lot from your reply!

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Hi I realize this is years later, but do you happen to know how you would be able to add labels to each of the sections of the polar bar chart? I’ve been testing things out for a while and haven’t been able to figure it out