Plotly js gauge/pie chart data order


I am having a problems with my data order when trying to create a gauge chart (pie chart).
I have the following script:

var data = [{ type: ‘category’,
x: [0], y:[0],
marker: {size: 28, color:‘850000’},
showlegend: false,
name: ‘speed’,
text: level,
hoverinfo: ‘text+name’},
{ values: [5,4,3,1,2, 15],
rotation: 90,

text: [‘ML5’, ‘ML4’, ‘ML3’, ‘ML2’,
‘ML1’, ‘’],
textinfo: ‘text’,
marker: {colors:[‘rgba(14, 127, 0, .5)’, ‘rgba(110, 154, 22, .5)’,
‘rgba(170, 202, 42, .5)’, ‘rgba(202, 209, 95, .5)’,
‘rgba(210, 206, 145, .5)’,
‘rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)’]},
labels: [‘4.5-5’, ‘3.5-4.49’, ‘2.5-3.49’, ‘1.5-2.49’, ‘1-1.49’],
hoverinfo: ‘label’,
hole: .5,
type: ‘pie’,
showlegend: false

var layout = {
type: ‘path’,
path: path,
fillcolor: ‘850000’,
line: {
color: ‘850000’
title: ‘Maturity Total Score 1-5’,
height: 500,
width: 600,
xaxis: {type:‘category’,zeroline:false, showticklabels:false,
showgrid: false, range: [-1, 1]},
yaxis: {type:‘category’,zeroline:false, showticklabels:false,
showgrid: false, range: [-1, 1]}

Plotly.newPlot(‘myDiv’, data, layout);

When I look at the gauge generated it switches M1 and M2 because I think it automatically sorts data. However I want it to appear the same sequence as it is 2,1,3,4,5 not 1,2,3,4,5. It behaves the same when I do full pie chart. Is there any workaround available?

See the png attached


Can you share the path string you used? This would make your snippet reproducible and help us help you immensely. Thanks.

Please see the full script

//Enter a level between 1 and 5
var level = 4.5;

// Trig to calc meter point
var degrees = 180-(level-1)*45;
     radius = .5;
var radians = degrees * Math.PI / 180;
var x = radius * Math.cos(radians);
var y = radius * Math.sin(radians);

// Path: may have to change to create a better triangle
var mainPath = 'M -.0 -0.035 L .0 0.035 L ',
     pathX = String(x),
     space = ' ',
     pathY = String(y),
     pathEnd = ' Z';
var path = mainPath.concat(pathX,space,pathY,pathEnd);

var data = [{ type: 'category',
   x: [0], y:[0],
    marker: {size: 28, color:'850000'},
    showlegend: false,
    name: 'speed',
    text: level,
    hoverinfo: 'text+name'},
  { values: [5,4,3,1,2, 15],
  rotation: 90,
  text: ['ML5', 'ML4', 'ML3', 'ML2',
            'ML1',  ''],
  textinfo: 'text',
  marker: {colors:['rgba(14, 127, 0, .5)', 'rgba(110, 154, 22, .5)',
                         'rgba(170, 202, 42, .5)', 'rgba(202, 209, 95, .5)',
                         'rgba(210, 206, 145, .5)', 
                         'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)']},
  labels: ['4.5-5', '3.5-4.49', '2.5-3.49', '1.5-2.49', '1-1.49'],
  hoverinfo: 'label',
  hole: .5,
  type: 'pie',
  showlegend: false

var layout = {
      type: 'path',
      path: path,
      fillcolor: '850000',
      line: {
        color: '850000'
  title: 'Maturity Total Score 1-5',
  height: 500,
  width: 600,
  xaxis: {type:'category',zeroline:false, showticklabels:false,
             showgrid: false, range: [-1, 1]},
  yaxis: {type:'category',zeroline:false, showticklabels:false,
             showgrid: false, range: [-1, 1]}

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);

Yes, we do automatically sort the slices, but you can use sort: false to disable this.

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Hi! This thread is old but the problem remains:
by unsorted unequal segments is the rotation aproximately 29.5
(empirically found),not 90. By equal unsorted segments
is the rotation aproximately 54.
Is there a formula to calculate the rotation by unequal
unsorted segments/sectors? Thank you in advance!