Hello guys
I’m facing an issue in my AWS Beanstalk deployment that I can’t find any solution or similar cases that could help me find a way to fix what’s going wrong;
The issue:
I have created a Dockerfile
to run my Plotly Dash app and everything is working as expected on my local instance, so I decided to deploy the app on the AWS Beanstalk (as Heroku as being very slow) instance using the Docker machine option… The deployment went well and without any error or warning, and the app is running on the Beanstalk, but for an unknown reason, a few callbacks seems to not work, and I can’t find any .log file or so that could help me to understand what’s wrong;
Has anyone else faced this kind of issue before? If so, how can I find the issue and fix it?
Is it an issue of memory? Timeout? Weak Processing? Networking?
PS: The instance type I’m using now is t3.large which in my naive vision should work at least way better than Heroku
Any help/comment is very welcome