Announcing the Dash-Online-Course Tag

Hi Dash Community Members,
:tada: Weโ€™re proud to announce a new tag called Dash-Online-Course. This tag was created to help centralize questions asked through the free live Dash course offered online: Build Data Apps in Python and Plotly Dash.

In addition to asking questions, please take the time to support your course colleagues by trying to answer their questions. Answering questions is one of the best and fastest way to learn. :rocket:

Thank you everybody for all your efforts in creating a supportive and healthy community.


Hi, just curious, will we receive some sort of certificate after completing the course? Thanks.

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Hi Adam, this is Andreas from Germany. Thanks for the course yesterday. I already worked with dash and plotly a time. I curious to learn more and get an overview, what is possible with dash and plotly :nerd_face: See you


Thanks for joining the course, @BikeJunkie79 . The next session is this Thursday where we will learn more about the callback. If you have specific questions about Dash before Thursday, feel free to post them here :slight_smile:

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hi @weiqi.zhang,
Thanks for joining the course. Yes, there is a certificate of completion given at the end of the course.

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