📣 Announcing Dash Cytoscape

I just tried to uninstall it, and reinstalled it. It still gives an error. The problem is not only I can’t upgrade but I can’t install dash-cytoscape.

Never mind. I figured it out. Thank you for the help!

Does Dash Cytoscape have option to add legend?

It doesn’t have a legend by default. However, I think it should be very straightforward to create a second cytoscape graph with each of the node in the shape you want, and annotate it with a title positioned to the right. Obviously this is not automatically done (you’d have to manually define such legend), but it should not be too hard to get it working!

Gotcha! I will manually add the legend. Thank you for the help!

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Thanks! If you ever find a way to automatically generate legends from a network, and it’s easy to encapsulate and modify, feel free to share it here! I’m sure such methods could help the Dash Cytoscape community.

Sure, I will definitely share if I find a way to generate legends automatically. I have another question about dash cytoscape app. Do you know if there is a way to export dash app to a html for sharing purpose? Thanks in advance!

If you export it to HTML (e.g. by right click and saving as an html file), you will lose all the python side logic needed to load the Dash app, so it will likely not work correctly, or not work at all.

The best way to share the end result of a Dash app is likely to host it on a free hosting platform like Heroku (see this doc page). If your company has a Dash Enterprise license, then you can easily push your code repository using git push which will make your app accessible through a link.

If you are willing to use a notebook, you can always use JupyterDash and share your code through Google Colab. See this example.

Yes, I did try to save it as html, just as you said, the interactive functions did not work. I saw that the common way of sharing the app is through deployment, but the company has restrictions to use outside cloud or server (i.e. AWS, Google Cloud). I will ask around if the company has Dash Enterprise license. Hope they do, then it will save lots of time. Thank you so much for the information! Much appreciated!