Aliens sightings dashboard in United states of america uploaded on

For the last few days, I’ve been working on creating a dashboard for Ian K.'s Aliens in America dataset. It was so much fun. I’ve created this dashboard with Plotly Dash.
For accessing this interactive dashboard on Render please visit:

Thanks, Meredith Wang for encouraging me for making this dashboard. I’d also like to thank Adam Schroeder for giving me suggestions to improve and make this dashboard more interactive.

GitHub repo for the dashboard: GitHub - someshfengde/aliens-dashboard: dashboard on the alians dataset

For the dataset please visit: Aliens in America Dataset


Cool App, @someshfengde
Thank you for sharing with the community and for posting on linkedin. I’m glad you got it to work on

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Thank you :slight_smile:

App looks quite well :slight_smile: Congrats Somesh!

Thank you @Milan

Hi @someshfengde

I love the site and the gif is fun. The theme switch button is cool - the app looks great in a dark theme too!


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Hi, Thanks @AnnMarieW for your ThemeChangerAIO. It works really well :slight_smile:

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