I’m trying to use Dash AG Grid with plots in the columns.
# Example of the table columnDefs
columnDefs = [
'field': 'Value A',
'headerName': 'Value A',
'field': 'Charts',
'headerName': 'Charts',
'cellRenderer': 'DCC_GraphClickData'
This works when using Dash with this function for rendering in static/assets/rendering.js:
var dagcomponentfuncs = window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions = window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions || {};
dagcomponentfuncs.DCC_GraphClickData = function (props) {
const {setData} = props;
function setProps() {
const graphProps = arguments[0];
if (graphProps['clickData']) {
return React.createElement(window.dash_core_components.Graph, {
figure: props.value,
style: {height: '100%'},
config: {displayModeBar: false, 'staticPlot': true},
However, I cannot achieve the same functionality in Django Dash. I’ve tried adding the JavaScript with:
However, it doesn’t work, and when I inspect the element on the page, it says
'AG Grid could not find ‘DCC_GraphClickData’ component. Check that it has been registered as described in JavaScript Data Grid: Components ’
I’ve also tried assigning it directly in columnDefs to “cellRenderer” by putting the JavaScript function in triple quotes.