I have an Ag Grid in my dash applications with columns that are dropdowns, either agSelectCellEditor or DMC_Select, which have fixed values A
| B
If I enable pasting of data to these cells (which I think is default in Enterprise), I can add values to these cells that are not in the options
or values
, i.e I can paste Some random text or number
into column_1
In the Ag-Grid documentation I have found reference to: processCellForClipboard
and processDataFromClipboard
, however I cannot seem to utilise them in Dash and I’m not sure what the best approach would be for this since all my options
are in my python-dash program and I’d need to hand these to the grid/js
Example columnDefs
[.., {
"field": "column_1",
"editable": True,
"cellEditor": {"function": "DMC_Select"},
"cellEditorParams": {"options": ["A", "B"]},
[..., {
"field": "column_1",
"editable": True,
"cellEditor": "agSelectCellEditor",
"cellEditorParams": {"values": ["A", "B"]},
Hello @Redhotmoons,
You should be able to wrangle the valueSetter to make sure the values are inside of the value list.
That seems to have worked great 
test_options = ["A", "B", "C"]
columnDefs =
"field": "test",
"cellEditor": {"function": "DMC_Select"},
"cellEditorParams": {
"options": test_options,
"valueGetter": {"function": f"validate_test(params.data.test, {test_options})"},
dagfuncs.validate_test= function(test, test_options) {
return test_options.includes(test) ? test: null;
Many thanks!
That’s only for displaying the data, if you want to keep the value from going to the underlying data, you’ll need to use the valueSetter
Ah you’re right!
This seems to work nicely:
dagfuncs.validate_test = function(params, test_options) {
if (test_options.includes(params.newValue)) {
params.data.test= params.newValue; // Update only if valid
return true; // Indicates the operation was successful
} else {
return false; // Indicates the newValue was not valid
Or a more general function:
dagfuncs.validate_value_setter = function(params, valid_options) {
// Update and validates the value based on given options for any column.
var fieldName = params.colDef.field; // Dynamically get the field name from column definition
if (valid_options.includes(params.newValue)) {
params.data[fieldName] = params.newValue; // Update only if valid
return true;
} else {
return false;
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Typically the colId
is used instead of field.