After upgrading to 4.14.3 from 4.13.0 my charts now display incorrectly, see sample below.
Charts are created from pandas dataframe data.
Do I need to do something different now when working with pandas and plotly.
If use cufflinks to make some charts and they are still OK.
Sample of fig creation is:
fig=make_subplots(rows=17, cols=1,shared_xaxes=True,
subplot_titles=(āHITSā, āACCESSESā, āLockBlkā,āHIT %ā, āDelAck NLā, āDelAck FCā, āDelAck SSDā, āPages Freeā,āPages Cleanā,āPages Write1ā,āPages WriteNā,āPages WriteSchedā,āPages Writingā,āPages DcowPendingā,āCMP Dirty/Max NLā,āCMP Dirty/Max FCā,āCMP Dirty/Max SSDā),vertical_spacing=0.03)
for c2print in col_2_print:
chart_name,chart_row_no,chart_col_no,axis_color = xlate_4_col_names[c2print]
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=fig_df.index, y=fig_df.loc[:,(c2print)],
name = chart_name,
hoverlabel = dict(namelength = -1)),row=chart_row_no, col=chart_col_no)