Advice on authentication for dash ppps


We are looking to enhance the security of our Dash apps, which are currently deployed on Google Cloud with a single password. Our goal is to allow users to create accounts using their emails and to manage access permissions, as not all users should have access to all applications.

A key aspect for us is maintaining simplicity in the deployment process. The responsibility for managing access to the applications lies with one team, while the analysts are tasked with deploying new versions. It is essential that the authentication system remains transparent, ensuring that when an analyst deploys a new version, the authentication settings are preserved. Ideally, this solution should not require any code modifications to the Dash app, as this would impose an additional burden on the analysts.

We would greatly appreciate any recommendations or insights.

Best regards.

Found this, which seems to cover all we need. Has anyone used it?

Hello @drobertson90,

Welcome to the community!

No, I haven’t used that. If you haven’t, you should check out dash-auth, which recently gave the opportunity to authenticate from different providers, like Azure and Google.

I personally use my PR version of the dash-auth, or Flask login that I have a post on the forums.

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