I wrote a time-series graph using plotly.js. When displayed in Chrome and firefox, it came out correct.
However when displayed in IE, it comes out wrong (see below)
The source code is below:
Instrument Availability and TestCount Versus Time
<!-- Declare variables and assign to empty array -->
var x_axis = [], y_testCount = [], hoverText = [], y_300 = [], y_availability = [];
var site = [], rms_id = [], subModel = [], model = [], ra_id = [];
var traces = [], trace1 = [], trace2 = [], trace3 = [];
function makeplot() {
Plotly.d3.csv("RMS_Uptime_Dx_RAW_withRandomTestCount_10000x9.csv", function(data){ processData(data) } );
function processData(allRows) {
for (var i=0; i<allRows.length; i++) {
row = allRows[i];
x_axis.push( row['Report_Date'] );
y_testCount.push( row['TestCount'] );
// y_300.push( 300 );
y_availability.push(row['Availability']*250) // scale the availability values by 250
site.push( row['Site'] );
rms_id.push( row['RMS_ID']);
subModel.push( row['SubModel']);
model.push( row['Model']);
ra_id.push( row['RA_ID']);
var currentText = "Site: " + site[i] + "<br>" + "RMS_ID: "+rms_id[i] + "<br>" + "SubModel: " +subModel[i] + "<br>" + "Model: " + model[i] + "<br>" + "RA_ID: " + ra_id[i]+ "<br>" + "Availability: "+ y_availability[i]/250; //divide y_availability by 250 so text displayed reflects true value
hoverText.push( currentText);
console.log( 'X',x_axis, 'Y',y_testCount, 'SD' );
// trace0 = {
// x: x_axis,
// y: y_300,
// type: 'lines'
// };
trace1 = {
x: x_axis,
y: y_testCount,
hoverinfo: 'text',
//text: hoverText,
type: 'bar'
trace3 = {
x: x_axis,
y: y_availability,
hoverinfo: 'text',
text: hoverText,
type: 'lines'
function makePlotly(){
var plotDiv = document.getElementById("plot");
traces = [ trace1, trace3 ];
Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', traces, {title: 'Instrument Availability and TestCount Versus Time'}, {displaylogo: false});
Why the discrepancy?